Παρασκευή, Μαρτίου 13, 2015

Kindling the entrepreneurial spirit

As long as I remember myself I've always been an unconventional thinker, seen things outside the box and come up with the craziest ideas. Of course, I've been mocked about my ideas, business related or not, friends and relatives keep on teasing my uneasy and “crazy scientist's” spirit. However, I'm not alone in this. I was blissed to be surrounded by the same creative/passionate/nuts kind of people, from quite early on actually, which made me never let any wave of negativity get to me and be talked out of my uncommon line of thinking. One of those people, is my best friend who I was terribly sorry to kiss goodbye in 2011, when he left Greece to go migrate in Australia with his family. He's been 8446 miles away for almost 4 years now, though we never lost contact nor our sharing interest in creating something meaningful to the world someday. During the first year of our separation, our skype and viber conversations were about life's misery both in Greece and Australia. We grew cynical, we called realism what was obviously pessimism. Putting aside our ideas, our funny, ambitious but with legit potential ideas, it looked like the whole uncertainty and instabilit
y in our environment was finally getting to us.

Spring 2012, while still a computer science student, working on an essay about branding through innovation, I came across this entrepreneurship event : “Venture Capital money for your business. Find the mechanism to get it! Necessary qualities for a venture funded company.”. I found it pretty interesting and unlike any other event/conference I had ever attended, plus it was taking place in my city (aka Thessaloniki) so I signed up the form. As a person, I like learning new things, not just in a formal academic sense but also from people with “been there, done that” experience, especially the ones who started from scratch, failed numerous of times till they actually made it. Networking with them is pure inspiration. So, what I gained from this event along with the introduction to Silicon Valley and how venture capital funding works, was getting back my enthusiasm and passion for bringing ideas into reality. Soon enough, I got this entrepreneurial spark regained to Tim as well, which brought us right where we are now, building our business from scratch, putting our hearts, minds and madness, if you like, in it, hoping you'd love to come on board with us in our journey!

No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.
Dead Poet's Society 

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