Δευτέρα, Μαρτίου 16, 2015

To success story της 30άρας Ντέμης Μαρκογιαννάκη -Πήγε να σπουδάσει στην Αυστραλία και κατέληξε η πιο πετυχημένη επιχειρηματίας της χώρας

There are a lot of things that make me proud about my Greek inheritance and one of them is watching young people thrive in foreign countries. I would like to say a big BRAVO to our young Greek brilliant mind and a huge thank you for keeping our nationality not only energetic and ideally pioneering but the fact that she shows, us and the rest of the world, that the Greeks no matter where they are if they want to accomplish something their stubbornness and hard working ethic will always help them making their dream and ideas come true.

B R A V O and Thank you again

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